Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Teardrops on my guitar

Drew looks at me,
I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing
everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful,
that girl he talks about
And she's got everything
that I have to live without
Drew talks to me,
I laugh cuz its just so funny
That I can't even see
anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love,
he's finally got it right
I wonder if he knows
he's all I think about at night

He's the reason for the
teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps
me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the
car I keep singing, don't know why I do

Drew walks by me,
can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly
The kind of flawless
I wish I could be
She'd better hold him
tight, give him all her love
Look in those beautiful
eyes and know she's lucky cause

He's the reason for the
teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps
me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the
car I keep singing, don't know why I do

So I drive home alone,
as I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight
He's the reason for the
teardrops on my guitar
The Only one who's got
enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the
car I keep singing don't know why I do
He's the time taken up
but there's never enough
And he's all that I need
to fall into...

Drew looks at me, I fake
a smile so he won't see.

- Taylor Swift .

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Byebye ! :D

Guess this is the last time im blogging .
Wont be blogging much now since school is starting !
Hope you guys have fun during the holidays :D
Well , i did enjoy a little of it .
Bitter and sweet , perfect .
Will be updating during weekends if im free .
If not , wait till the next holiday !
Will be back , i promised :D
Keep a lookout readers !


Saturday, June 26, 2010

CO June Camp 2010 ! x3

Hiexzxz ! I'm back with a heavy heart . With many things that i want to say .
But some , are only to him .
I'll be writing about the camp . So if yr dont wanna know , then byebye ! :D
I'll try to make it short alright !

Day 1 :
Was supposed to meet at 8 in the CO room .
But sub-comm had to meet at 7.30 .
Well , tired .
Brief us and gave us our things .
Went out and had cramp .
CO room was cold so i went out to e parade ground .
Was cold there too , so YS lend me her hoodie . (:
Fuck , i missed out like one whole part of games ! ):
And also some of e water game .
Partly was happy because i did not have to change .
Because i was not wet at all .
But , when i went to sit down , they suddenly ran out of games .
Then dont know do wad , Benedict poured e whole bucket of water on me .
Thanks manxzxz . Was wet like " mad dog " .
Just joined in the game for less then 15 mins and was like x10 times wetter then many others !
Went back to change . Was damn cold then .
Went down again . If i'm not wrong , we had history about CO .
KB was saying too quickly . So time past by very slowly .
Had much time left .
After that we played inter group games .
First is the " leg step on each other " de .
Well , was pain and tough .
Use quite a long time to complete it .
But we managed to win the other group .
Then we can play the second one which is to throw the ball 10 times to yr teammates .
We won the other group too .
So we can play " Protect me " .
This game seriously . Epic .
People were sexually rape .
Thats all i can say . HAHA .
I'm glad none of their shirts tore . But im sure it went out of shape .
Then after that was lunch .
After lunch i think we played some games or wad .
I cant really rmb .
But after that was Grad night prep .
Lasted for 2 hrs . Time is NOT enough man .
Our group need to do dance . By selecting song alone used up more then 30 mins .
Dance steps are a headache . Wanted Rh dance steps .
But after much much consideration , we decided not to use hers .
So we use part of Down , baby and " oh yeah " . We changed the lyrics for oh yeah .
After this , time was out . Didnt manage to do quite alot .
So we got no choice but to do the remaining the next day .
After that we had dinner .
After dinner was the night games .
I was the station master for the level 4 classroom .
Wth , scary . Was damn dark . Luckily got Simin and some ppl to pei me .
If not i think i'll die there . HAHA .
Groups came afterwards .
Was like so rush luh .
The groups all come very quickly .
So was like queueing outside .
After that was bathing time .
Group 1-4 get to bathe first . 5-8 had supper .
So yeah . Went pretty smoothly this time round .
Went to have supper after that .
Ate one pathetic biscuit . HAHA .
Light out at 11 .
Subcomm debrief at 10.55 .
So went for it . Did not went back to sleep .
Waited for camcomm to end their meeting in their bunk .
But Wei Ling and Kai Ting was there doing souvenir for the sec 4s so i help out .
The first one i paste was Junguang's haha .
Then they came back .
Accompany them to bathe .
Then we went back to the bunk .
Help with e subcomm thing .
Did not finish it but Mr Lee call us to go sleep at 2.45 .
I cant sleep , so in the end only managed to fell asleep at ard 4.30 i think .
At 6 , the alarm ring . Ahhhh , was damn tired .
Prepared and went to assembly at 7.15 .

Day 2 :
Had PT . WL i want to killed ppl alr luh seriously .
So damn grr .
Run up to third storey then come down again .
Whose stupid idea uh !
Came down , wl i blacked out for like a few seconds .
Gonna faint le :/
But i didnt hahaha .
Having cramp at then too .
Had breakfast after wards .
Had grad night prep rght after breakfast .
So we make full use of the time given now .
And yes , we completed the dance .
But we were still not confidence luh . Haha .
Am really scared for the real one okay !
Then lunch . Had survivor after lunch .
Went to my station .
Spent like most of my time there .
Nth to do and they took very very long time to go to the station .
Went back to school at ard 5.40 .
Saw most of the sec 4s there alr .
Had dinner . Omg the food sucks .
How i wish we were having the sec 4s food .
Grr . If only can luh hor . ):
Ate less then half of my food .
Then it was grad night .
Scary . Soon its our turn .
Infront was okay just that suddenly forget the steps . LOL .
Until the rapping part , the music suddenly stop .
We were all stunned then dont know wad to do .
Then UV just continue with his rapping .
Did oh yeah and ended it as quickly as we can .
Watch other's performances and theirs was quite good .
Before that a video was shown .
Omg so many of their young young sec 1 sec 2 photo haha !
Very funny lohh ! And i didnt know jg was so skinny last time :/
After performances was cutting of cake .
Then Ting Yu talk awhile . Thn Malcolm .
Then Mr Wong gace out his DIY things .
Was our turn to bathe again .
Then went out for supper .
Didnt eat . Then was ask to go to sleep .
But Sh and i stay in the canteen .
After awhile went to bunk .
Heard alot of frog croaking . Freaked out man seriously .
Then Yiyan and Kok Peng scare us . Say got people standing there .
Omg my hair's standing alr .
Then went to CO room . They were playing cards . Like suan yr love like that . LOL .
Then Sh go play . Then got another guy in between .
Then she say is cy LOL !
Then i play . WALAUEH jg's heart dont know at where sia !!!!! FUNNY LUHHHHH .
Then was chase back to bunk .
Went to take things to camcomm room with sh .
Went to bathe with them again .
Then went back up .
We wanted to stay up .
But i cant i think . LOL .
Cy was the first to fell asleep LOL .
And i fell asleep too ! ): No fun .

Day 3 :
At 6 got ppl come on the lights . Aww ):
Then eyes very pain .
Went back to sleep till 7 .
Went down and my eyes were like closing . HAHA .
Had games . And was quite okay .
Had fight for breakfast after wards .
We were the last at first .
But all of the sudden because of the sudoku , we became first .
Then we emerged first together with grp 2 (:
Had bee hoon . So we shared with those that did not have any breakfast (:
Then was packing of bags .
Followed by area cleaning (:
Bird shit omg . Yucks :/
Then went to assembly again (:
Had intergroup games .
Captain's ball was okay .
Then break camp ! YAY .
Went to canteen to wait for the rest .
But i went home shortly .
Went home to sleep (:
Bi's sleeping too ! He slept from 3 ! Till now :/ Doubt he'll wake . HAHA .
Okay thats all for the camp ! Hope you all have fun !
I love my group ! :D
Sin sin cos sin 3.14159 ! :D

I dont know wad happen between us .
But for some reason , i feel that we are getting further apart .
Apparently , i dont know if its because you're tired , im tired .
You change or i change . I really want to know .
So i wont keep thinking about this .
Seriously , its hard not to think about it .
Everytime whenever i've got nothing to do , i'll think about you .
Good times and bad times too .
Sometimes i'll even cry at night .
But i dont understand why im doing all this .
I asking myself . Wad if one day i lose you .
Wad will happen to me . Wad will happen to you .
I seriously dont want to know .
Just hope that we can really settle this .
If not sure wads gonna happen next .
Im in a very confuse and stressful state after knowing wad someone told me ..
Just pray hard . Nth will happen .
Love .

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Class BBQ ! :D

Hie ! Ytd was great , awesome , splendid ! :D
Had lunch with geraldine ytd . Subway ! :D
Wanted to lunch together with bi too , but he woke up at 12 . Best .
He's still sleeping now alrights !
Went home at 2 . Used e computer and watch tv .
Left home at 5.15 and went to Pasir Ris Mrt to meet them .
Reached at 5.40 ?
Lili , Mayvis , Jaslene were waiting for me . The rest went to Cherlyn's hse first .
Bused over there .
Waited for e food while guys started up e fire .
Finally food came .
Went up to Cherlyn's hse to take drinks .
Was heavy kay ._.
Then ate some food . Quite nice uh .
Then dont know for wad reason , Mayvis was pushed down into e pool .
She was drenched man !
Then Carmen gave her clothes to change .
All guys were more or less inside e pool alr .
They wanted to push girls in .
But most of us were wearing white .
So we changed . And they pushed us in .
Woots man . The water is damn cold ! LOL .
Fun . Wet .
Took many pictures in e pool .
Went to dry myself after a long time in e pool .
Daddy came to fetch me after wards .
Was so fun tdy yeah !
Waiting for Carmen to upload e pictures .
FOr pictures , go to facebook okay !
Till then . Bye !!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's day / Ahma's birthday (:

Hie . Had tuition in e morning ):
Woke up early ! tired . HAHA .
Then went to eat and went home .
I'm a good girl so i did my homework .
And ard 5 plus , went to take the cake .
Went off to my cousin's house .
Had fun there .
Ate e buffet .
At ard 9 plus , went to cut cake .
Omg , there's 3 diff type .
1 is Jaslyn go decorate for all father's de .
The other one is book for grandma's birthday .
Last one is e Shou tao de .
Big big one , when open then inside got 20 small ones .
Nice yeah ! :D
Ate all , but not alot hahaha .
Sound like a glutton .
Went back home afterwards .

Happy father's day daddy ! :D
Happy birthday ahma ! (:

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hie ! Went to teoheng with Geraldine , Sh , Marilyn , Jr and Chun yu .
Went only from 12.45 - 3 . Time is not enough !
We didnt book earlier so not room .
Manage to get only this room .
Omg , was so fun .
Skip many songs because of e shortage of time .
We swear to go back there again man !
Next time we'll sing from 1 - 7 . HAHA .
Went to Parkway Parade after that .
Shop and walk ard .
Jr and cy wanted to eat so we went to e food court .
Before that we bought ice cream to eat (:
Nice and cheap (:
Then went to arcade . Walk ard , slack .
Nothing to do hahaa .
5 plus , went to eat dinner .
Marilyn , jr and cy left .
So only me sh and dine :D
After we eat , went to Charles and keith , cotton on , m)phosis and some others .
We were crazy . Esp Sh .
She tried like alot of shoes in Charles and keith HAHA .
And we tried one super high heel ! :D
Went cotton on , e shoes were nice .
We plan to buy one each but no money .
Walk and tried on many things .
Went home at 6 plus 7 .
Reach home before 8 :D
Father's day tmr :D

Friday, June 18, 2010

Seize The Moment .

Wow , it was awesome (:
Went to eat breakfast with friends in e morning .
Went back to school .
Slacked in e CO room for awhile then went to buy food (:
Geraldine and me went to buy drinks and seaweed .
Bus to Esplanade . Went off first with some .
The rest came later .
Went to our allocated rooms .
WOW . Was nice . Especially e toilet ! :D
Went to help Log agfter that (:
Rehearsal , then break .
Full dress rehearsal was next .
Had dinner after that .
Need to put on make up and tie plaits .
Aww . My hair is hard to tie .
In the end , many ppl did not pin up their fringe \Y/
Concert start at 7.30 .
Soon it was our turn .
Carmine was , BEST .
Omg , the sound effect was superb ttm . Seriously .
One word , AWESOME .
Ended , went back to room to pack up .
Took bus back to school .
Daddy came to pick me .
Went to sleep afterwards .

Today , at first had games rehearsal but was postpone .
Went to lunch with them at s11 .
Went back home after that (:
Going teoheng tmr . Byes ! :D

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Hello :D Went for lunch tdy .
Was raining damn heavily ):
Went to eat , walked ard .
Went to FairPrice . Had lots of fun there LOL .
Marilyn ~ HAHA .
Secret :D
Then went off for Each a cup .
Went back to school .
Still raining though .
Walk in e rain and was feeling damn cold .
Went to CO room .
Guys went to play bball . Is it that fun ?
Perhaps i should try to understand ?
Then combine . Went up for rehearsal when its our turn .
Ended , but CO had to play once more cuz ding laoshi wanted to improve .
So yeah , last to go .
Lucky tmr dont need report so early .
Went back to CO room . Hear Mr Wong talk .
He gave us J.CO mini donuts ! Yum yum ! :D
Thank you Mr Wong ! :D
Guys went for bball again .
Went for dinner with mr wong and a group of people .
Went home .
Overall quite okay tdy (:
Nth much .
Need to meet them rather early tmr .
Gonna sleep early too (:
Am very tired tdy !
My stomach's still pain . Aww ):
Anyway , bye and nights ! :D

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

1st year ! :D

-- 160609--

Hello ! :D

From strangers to friends .
From friends to being together .
From the start of 160609 , i never knew we would last .
From one month to another , you gave me the love that i never knew .
From quarrelling and scolding of each other .
From forgiving and forgetting .
From all the things that you have done for me .
From staying by my side all this while .
My love for you grew stronger .
All the things that we have gone through together .
All the promises that we have made to each other .
To keep this relationship going .
It came true .
Every month of saying : Hope we'll last , hope we'll last . "
Yes we did , and we're happy .
And again , i seriously hope we can last .
Yeah , forever and always .
All the stupid things that we have done together .
Shedding all the tears for you .
Its worth it .
Because , i love you .
Tired of keeping this from my parents .
Tired of lying to them .
But to keep this relationship .
I promise .
I'll never let you down .
We'll keep this going .
And remember , i only have you in my heart .
Remember and never forget .
I'll be waiting , for the second year and so on .
The ring that locked our heart together .
Our heart that sees through each other's mind .
Our mind that think of stupid things .
Things that keep us together .
Together , is just a word .
Heart is the main .

-- 160610 --


Was happy today ? HAHA .
Okay , had combine tdy . Some epic things happen . Aww .
End at ard 12.45 , and waited for e GUYS .
Cuz they playing basketball .
Went to Toastbox to eat . Yummy (:
Shi Hui ate e Laksa and its quite nice ! :D
Shall go eat that some other time yeah ? (:
I ate fruity toast set , Banana and strawberry ! :D
Then had each a cup (:
Mango passion smoothie
Marilyn say "we" shall go buy e Lover's Melody tmr ! :D LOL .
But i think , its not for real hahaha .
Nth to do , so went home (:
Geraldine was sick , so she went home first .
Took 291 with Bi (:
He slept i think . HAHA .
Cute ^^v
Soon reached my stop .
Bi's sleeping now .
Hope i can ton e night tdy ? (:
I hope so ! But i think i cant ._.
Tiredxzxz a little :x HAHA .
Slept late last night ! :D

Gonna be a big big day tmr . Hope to be happy and i will ! :D
Geraldine mummy get well soon oh !
I love you (:>

Monday, June 14, 2010


Hiexzs . Woke up early tdy ! :D
Had lunch before going for CO , as usual .
Changed , because we have full dress rehearsal .
Was quite okay actually :D
Dont feel like ending CO practices .
Though its tiring , but without CO , i feel bored and weird .
So yeah , i rather have CO (:
Kay , i'm tired . I dont feel like sleeping though ! ):
I'll see wad i can do .
Till then , Waiting for WEDNESDAY ! :D

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Wei wei :D Backed !
Tuition was cancelled tdy ! :D
Hai me wake up so early ):
Went back to sleep till 12 . HAHA .
Went to eat , and back home to do my work . NO LIFE MANXZS .
After MANY hours of work , went for dinner at Bedok .
Had durians after that .
Co tmr , BYEXZS .

/ Happy 15 month Shi Hui and Benedict ! :D

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tired TTM ! ):

Hello , Backed from a long long long long day !
Was tired , really tired .
Had Co from 9 .
Woke up at 7 to bathe and get ready .
Need to reach school at 8.30 .
Mummy had a hard time waking me up , i swear .
I was seriously , like damn tired ):
Fell asleep quite fast ytd .
Was texting Bi and , ya . Woke to find its morning alr . LOL .
They had MTDC for primary school kids so ya we had to go to e canteen .
Was pretty cool , first time i see e whole orchestra playing so unite-ly in e canteen .
FIRST TIME . Like everybody was co-operating (:
Then it was our turn for rehearsal .
Finally break .
I slept for awhile i think .
To replenish my energy , if not i might not be able to hold any longer haha ..
Rehearsal ended , went for lunch at Kopitiam .
Went to T1 , CL .
went back to school for combine . Ended pretty much early tdy ! :D
Yay , finally i get to rest .
Waited for parents too come and fetch me .
Went to eat crab mi fen . HAHA .
Went home to bathe and stuff .
I wish i';m lying on bed going to sleep .
but i cant and i dont want .
I dont wanna end the day so soon .
And once i open my eyes , its e next day .
Which i dreaded , because there's tuition .
Haiiz , start at 10 , have to wake up at 9 .
Omg , when can i stop my busy schedule ?
I've got enough . Its even more tiring then normal school days ):
Helpppppp ! ):
Whole stack of homework yet to touch .
Especially AS . Haiiz , dont even know wad to do ):
Gonna rest , bye .

Get me out of my life , pretty soon . I cant hold anymore longer .
Just , breakdown , forget about everything .
Haiiz , just.... JIAYOU BAH SHIRLEY .

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tired .

Hie , Backed from CO .
Want to school at 11 , cuz Shi Hui wanted me to accompany her .
Reached , and waited for them .
Till 12.30 , went for lunch .
Had pepper lunch (:
Nice ttm . :D
Went back to school for Rehearsal .
Tdy was not bad , manage to do 2 rounds ? (:
Was damn tired by the end of the day .
I dont know why . Just tired haha .
Went to dinner with them .
Didnt talk much , really dont have e strength to talk .
Tired ttmmmmmmm .
Went home at ard 8 plus .
Watched tv and went to sleep .
Shall update tmr again after CO (:

I'm really damn tired...

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Backed again . Had CO again from 9-1 . Omg tired ):
Managed to end early .
Came back for rehearsal .
Was like damn messy haha .
Took our costumes . Lucky mine got name (:
Hahaha .
Then went off for dinnr with parents (:
Gonna eat dinner with em tmr maybe ?
Going off to sleep !
Byexz (:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

CO and again .

Backed , from CO .
Simply no life . Everyday is just CO and CO .
Get me a life manxzs .
Supposed to end at 6 , drag till 7 .
Say we come late , but in fact is they make us wait .
Like wad the , our fault like that .
Change sitting arrangements , took quite a long time .
Tdy was quite okay .
Bi slept early . So i nth to do . HAHA .
Sleep well ! :D
Jiayou wor (:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

CO again .

Backed . Went for CO again . Damn no life . Co was at 9 .
Combine was pretty again . Funneh , thats all i can say HAHA .
Was released early .
So had lunch . Went to S11 .
Wanted bubbletea from Sweet Talk . Walked but went to each a cup .
So bought . Was ex . LOL . But nice .
I realised i had been drinking each a cup for consecutive days . LOL .
Want backed . Zhang Bin came tdy . No fun .
Had practice , ended at 5 then went home . Thats all .
Shall update tmr when i come back from CO ! Bye ! :D

Monday, June 7, 2010

Daddy's Birthday ! :D

Hie ! Went for CO .
Had lunch with Marilyn and all first .
Bought each a cup again . LOL .
My money is flying away ):
Went for CO .
LOL , we waited for like so damn long before its our turn .
So had to rehearse in the CO room for awhile .
CO ended , daddy came to fetch me and we went to eat .
It was daddy's birthday tdy ! :D
Ate and went home . Nothing much :D
Kay bye !! Update tmr (:


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Shopping ! :D

Woke up at 8 tdy .
Went to san qing gong .
Was so crowded man !
So smoky there too .
Saw a group of people playing with chinese instruments so i told my mother .
I said , all the instrument my school also have . LOL .
Then e yangqin is guy play de ! HAHA .
So little girls lohh !
Then went off at ard 10 plus 11 .
Daddy and brother went home .
Me , my cousin , my mummy and my aunt went for shopping .
First went to my aunt's house to get shopping list from her maid .
Went to J8 after that . Went Face shop and bought my nail polish ! :D
Hot pink !
Went to eat lunch . Ate Salmon pepper rice ! :D
Yummy :D
Then went back to cousin's hse to fetch my another cousin .
She want to come to Tampines to do rebonding . HAHA .
So fetch her here .
Went to TM after that .
Went M)phosis .
Bought sandals ! :D
50% , omg so cheap $_$
Went cotton on , and after awhile cousin need to go off .
So me and mummy walked to T1 .
Bought my Ink bag ! :D YAY !
Decided to put my sandals inside together with mummy's .
Cuz e new bag is smelly , so mummy say need the air . LOL .
So okay . LOL .
Bought each a cup .
Walked to Sprts Hall after that . Had Badminton .
Went off for dinner at Bedok . With my mummy's sister .
Then had durians after that .
We had it at aunt's house :D
There's dogs there , but it didnt come out . So ya , didnt get to see both .
Only got to see 1 . Was quite cute , but i'm scared . HAHA .
Then went home .
Nothing much , CO tmr . Bye ! :D

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Grandma's birthday .

Hiexzs ! :D
Went for CO . Had lunch with bi before going .
CO was okay tdy .
Went for grandma's birthday celebration tdy .
Want to some i dont know wad restaurant .
The food there was only so so .
I still prefer my G7 alrights !
Shall nvr go there ever again . Back to our usual G7 please ! D:
Then went to ah ma house for cake cutting .
Stayed there for awhile then went home (:
Gonna sleep early tonight !
Have to go and pray ahgong tmr , so need to wake early .
Byexzs ! :D

Friday, June 4, 2010

Diney Part 2 !

Hi , went to Geraldine's house tdy . Did alittle of physics .
Went to 7 eleven . Slurpee was not rdy , so walked to t-Mart to get them . HAHA .
Went back after that .
Watched S.H.E MVs on tv .
And finally , camwhore , like once again . Omg , geraldine like siao ! :D
Pictures :D

Geraldine and mexzxz ! :D