Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hello .
I found it FUNNY . I didnt blog about New Year whereas everyone else does .
Was lazy , tired , busy .
Okie , plain LAZY . But i'm TIRED .
Reason for not blogging , is cause come home too late , first thing do is sleep .
NEW YEAR , i dont see any change .
So wads so fascinating about it ? We'll only calm ourself by saying , its a brand new year .
Everything changes . But to me , it seems like almost e same .
But i'll have some resolutions luhh .
Early morning , had tuition which was like quite pathetic .
Afternoon , went to Kbox with Jaslyn cousin and family .
K from 2.00 to 7.00 .
Went to Tanjong Rhu for dinner .
Waited quite long for BIG TABLE and FOOD .
2nd day of year 2010 , went for injection .
E flu jab . Not h1n1 .
Went to look for winter wear .
Went yishun , Tampines Giant , then home .
Went to G7 to celebrate my Ahgong's b'dae . ( Mother side )
Went home after that .
3rd day , Went for badminton .
Wanted to book next week , but all fully book yeah ?
So no choice . Went to eat dinner at house downstairs -_-
Which i think is a BAD thing .
Nobody is of same class as me ! ):
Went to school , assemble in hall . Had talks and stuffs .
Went back to class . Get to know some teachers .
Had our seating arrangement , which i dread .
Spot checks , and i was caught .
Ah i dont give a damn .
2nd day of school .
Nothing much . Get to know chinese teacher .
None other then CAI LAO SHI .
Omfg ! How could this happen to me ~
But nvm . I'll survive !
Had AS , omg 12.45 to 3.30 .
Very long ! But next week onwards will be longer ! Until 5 !
No more CO for me le i guess ? HAHA .
Went CO , went home .
Slept . Tiredzxzx .
Okie , cramps bothering me ! _|_
Shall write my resolutions now .
  • I wan good results !
  • No more bad bad girl ! ( Okie , its hard . I'm always bad . )
  • Dont use handphone in class ! ( JUNGUANG ! Saw ? Heh ;x )
  • I'll make sure he does well for N level ! ( I'll make sure its done ! Like 100 % )
  • I wan all resolution done ! :D
Wednesday , 3rd day of school .
Reporting time is 8.20 .
So yeah , from now onwards every wed go to hall .
Cuz teachers are so CARING . They dread e sun hurting us !
Omfg i think is they dont want stand under e sun lohh !
Then ard 2 , went off from lessons .
Skip 2 periods of history .
Went to eat lunch then off to CO to prepare e performance for sec 1s .
Went home at ard 5 plus .
Thursday , 4th day of school .
Went to school .
Had CO after school .
Went for Mr wong's talk at 4.30 .
So yeah , all skipped CO for 1 and a half hr .
Talked ended . Waited for SLs for dinner .
But daddy called . So yeah skipped MTDC and stuffs .
Friday , 5th day of school .
Ended school early tdy , WHOOPEE .
Had COC at 2.30 .
Sec 1s came in group by group .
Ended at ard 5 .
Stayed to WATCH them arrange instruments , chairs .
Went home at ard 5 plus .
Reached home at ard 6 .
Cramps are still bothering me ! D:
MTDC tmr , oh no !

Screw physics , screwed physics .

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