Monday, August 10, 2009

Pizza !

A day out with Marilyn, Cassandra and rh. Meet Marilyn at 11.10 and i was late :x ( for like the first time~ ) Then the bus so long then come -.- Reached interchange alr like 11.40. Haha. Then went to arcade to look for the rest. Played the --dont know wads that called-- game. Rh wasted like ard 20 dollars just for that -.- Then went to eat. At first we said Sakae, then Pizza Hut, then Seoul garden. Finally, we went to Pizza Hut. HAHA. Ate there. Then we went to Orchard. Went to Ion, then Taka, then far east. OMG la. The ion is like so many lvls and the basement 4 is like omg then fcking cool -.- Cas bought her dango there. So me and Marilyn bought one too. We tried and really its uber nice! HAHA! MUST TRY OKAY! Then went to far east the shirt there super nice -.- I WANT TO BUY. Ah lazy upload alr. Trying to upload pictures. I wonder if can not. Haha.

Rh and me :D


Only managed to upload this few -.-

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