Friday, July 2, 2010

S.C.H.O.O.L .

Hie ! Backed . School's really tiring but fun :]
Past few days had been deciding on the class tee . But teacher doesnt like our design .
Well , i think its quite nice lohh !
I think their generation and ours is damn far apart .
Seriously .
After school , waited for Geraldine and Sh to end their hmt .
Waited till 1.30 .
Around there , the sky darken and became to rain heavily .
When we were about to leave school , the rain gets bigger .
While walking out , it gets smaller .
So walked to shelter .
Att overhead bridge there suddenly started pouring again LOL .
Then was wet . Didnt take umbrella when crossing the road . So was wet .
Damn cold when my sleeve touch my skin . Woooo ~
Had pepper lunch for lunch LOL .
Saw James and chatted .
Sat there and talk , Played talking carl and sh and dine is like addicted to it LOL .
Went home soon after .
Reached home at ard 5 .
Went out again 30 mins later .
Had dinner and was like keep argueing with my mummy . LOL ttm .
Went home . Did SOME homework .
There isnt supposed to be any okay ! ):
Kk , bi have been sleeping since 9.30 ?
I guess he must have been very very very tired .
Haiiz hang on , it'll soon be over okay ! (:
I'll be with you through it all .
Jiayou for oral next wed (:
* Im yr examiner * Winkssss :D

Fuck the person that keep calling me .
Irritating much . Speak properly luh .
Call still not enough uh .
The way you speak seriously die hard on my ear sial .
Call at least more then 15 times alr .
Dont understand english is it !
Ya no wonder you peak like some bangala ^^
LOL , just stop calling for god sake . Wtf .
Thank god you didnt call in the middle of the night .
If not watch out ! >.>

Oh yeah , Yu Ying's practice cancelled tmr !
Sian ttm . Well , next practice 17 july (:
Quite looking forward to it . HAHA (:

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