Monday, September 27, 2010



Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010


School's alright. Need to buck up on my studies alr. English EOY is next wednesday! I'm scared! ): But, i'll try my best! :D 6 more days! I cannot wait!!!! Beast mastermind teaser awesome ttm! Although itas only for 1 min! Hehe. Cant wait for their new album release!!!!!!! Ahhhh.

Okay, gotta study alr. Bye!

It seems like you've changed. It seems like i'm the one that changed you. It seems like you dont love me as much. Although you say you do, but, the feelings just isnt there. But anyway, i love you. Thats all that matters. It doesnt matter if you dont love me. For, i'll always be here for you. I love you.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Yes i do.

I love Lim Junguang.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010


Hihi. Ytd was awesome. Really! Morning, tuition was cancelled (: Alr a happy for me! HAHA. After that, went to Hotel royal to eat lunch. Buffet (: Ate with Aunt jenny, cousin Sonia and Shoanna. Together with my parents and brother. Had a great time eating! And i realised the food there can be quite nice if you mix and match uh! HEHE. CHOCOLATE!

Holidays end in just a blink of an eye! Did nothing much during this holiday! Going back to school tmr again. School tdy was okay. Chinese lesson, sucky. Seriously. That teacher, CMI. The rest was okay (: I love Amos's class tee design! Awesome! Had some career talk during ACE. Was crap. And it lasted till ard 3! Fuck! HUNGRY LEH! Ate lunch then went for CO (: Went home afterwards. Got EOY's timetable tdy. English's on 29 sep. Which means there's less then 2 weeks! Gonna really work hard for esp ENGLISH! MATHS! PHYSICS! COMBINE HUMANS! PHYSICS! Alright, BASICALLY ALL. Gonna suffer hard time alr. Gonna mug mug mug! Less computer! Maybe gonna use my computer for the last time tdy. Haha. Less sms too! :-P Okay, bye! :D


Friday, September 10, 2010


Hello! AS lockup ytd. I dont know wad to say. But i hope i wont fail. Expected to do 30 seconds but i did only less then 20. GG ttm? Can only use my theory to pull me up. But till now, i have not done anything! ): Dateline is on 4 oct, start of EOY. Haiiz. Animation seriously sucks. I rather do stills! Much easier eh? But anyway, its finally over. After waiting for 1 week, 2 more weeks before the real exam happened, 24 hours before the exam starts, 24 more hours for the next session, 2.5 hours before the whole practical really end. Well, wads done cannot be undone right? So, just pray hard.

Went for concert at Esplanade with mostly Guanyue people. Thought it was the theatre but turn out to be recital studio. The whole event ended quite early cuz i didnt want to stay for the talks afterwards. Well, not bad luh actually (: Nice music thought. On the verge of falling asleep due to the intense radiation from the computer to my eyes. For more then 3 hours, i can say. Try staring at it. You'll know how it feels like. Went home, fell asleep quite soon.

Tdy, Hari raya to fellow Malays :D Hope you have a good day! Stayed home to do my homework tdy. Well actually, did nth much. Was quite slacky during this holiday. OMG BUCK UP!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Hey ! AS locked up ytd was ~ uh idk wad to say. Many things not yet done. Have to sit infront of the computer for another 2.5 hours. Can die man, seriously. I think tmr's gonna be worst then ytd. Ytd did only modelling. Tmr, animation. GG, FML. Uh, i dont wanna fail it. Cuz i dont wanna fail anything. Aww, just give me a chance! Tried animating at home, but to no avail. Ahhh, think i'll just be stoning there tmr. Gahh. Alright, nth to say alr. Shall update either tmr or friday. Goodbye and, Wish me luck! :D

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Face the reality.

Had tuition in the morning. Woke up, find that its raining, want to go back and sleep more. But i cant! ): Tiring! Tuition was okay. Went out to eat lunch with mummy. Daddy's not in singapore! ): Cant go anywhere. Came home and used the computer. Aww, tried doing my AS, but i just cant do anything. I dont know why seriously. Gonna just freaked out. Gahh. Hope that day wont come. My auntie and cousin came to our house. Gave us some things haha :] Awesome.

Had dinner, and now im blogging. Boring day much. September holidays, mean, EOY coming. Omg, seriously i need to mug alr. No more nonsense anymore. I really wanna get good results okay ): Fighting! ^^

I wanna watch Haunted Changi! But i've got no time ): Boring ttm. Physics tmr at 10 D: AS lock up on Tuesday...Die. Haizz. ):

I'm glad everything's fine, for now. I dont wanna think about it anymore. Let it pass.
Bi! Jiayou for tmr! :D I love you.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Little but yet meaningful.

Went to school at ard 10.45 . Woke up late :/ Me and dine waited for Rh for about an hour. HAHA. She's always late. A leopard's spots never change. Hehe. Then went to IFC room, slacked much. Waste my time there. At ard 2 plus, went out for lunch! Had each a cup and Subway cookie. Omg, chocolate ice blended $2.50. OMFG?! Went to CO afterwards :] Was quite okay though. But yeah, some things were missing ):

Went for dinner with family afterwards. Went to Bedok hawker. Walaueh, the auntie that cleans the table give fucking attitude. Stare at me like --Want to fight ah?-- Nabei. And i told my brother, eh later before we go we pour the chilli on the table okay? ^^ Spoil my appetite sia, seriously. Went home and did my tuition homework. Ytd wasnt a good day. I suffered heartbreaks.

I waited anxiously for you to appear. But you didnt. Time slowly passed. I was hoping at least to see you once, even just for a minute. But i cant. I was just dreaming.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day out. FINALLY :]

Went out with dine tdy ! So fun ! Went to 800 plus first . Wanted to buy contacts . But in the end didnt. Hehe. Went to bugis afterwards! OMG so many things that we want! DINE! The bag okay! *wink wink* We bought the same shoe! Hahaha, and we were like "eh you ask yr mother first leh." Then in the end we both called together. Hahaa. Went to citylink, then went to Manpuku. Ate ice cream and took many many pictures :] Went home afterwards :D

Today shall be the day! :D