Saturday, October 31, 2009


HIE ! I've not post for so many days! I think this would be a rather long post ? Depends on my mood eh ?
Had many events this few days, some were interesting, some were not :/
Had many many many things like CO LTC , post exams activity , CO and many many more !
I'm thinking if i should blog for all days or just random days ? I cant rmb much ;x I'll just try.
Wednesday !
Went to school at 7. Supposed to be at 8 but just because exam's over, we cant ):
I want my sleep de leh! Also cant sleep late ):
Had some subject talk. It was quite boring, but its rather important ):
Followed by that , we had career guidance. It was by diff polys i guess?
I rmb there's this one where its for " BUSINESS BY NGEE ANN POLY "
That lady came in and talk about something. It was totally not related to taking business as a subject ! She was just merely telling us / promoting ngee ann poly ! Waste money!
After that , the talk finished. Went back to class for the results. Got back my results. Improved. But, couldnt reach my target. To feel happy or to feel sad, idk. But all i know, i've tried my best (:
I shall let nature take its course. Shall work real hard next year, regardless of wad class i'll be streamed too (: I promised, and i will (:
Thursday !
Today was CO LTC (: Felt sad at first because i thought i could not join because of e digital animation workshop. Its from like 8 - 5 ?!
Had break till 8.30 (: After that went to e computer lab at lvl 4 (: So high la ! Climb the stairs awhile only jiu feel very tired le ;x Maybe because too long nvr climb stairs le ba ;x Haha :x
Go home also nvr take stairs, because there's direct lift now and my class is allocated at e first level ;x
The workshop was quite interesting actually (: But its also quite hard to follow ;x
But i still managed to get hold of some (: Good for me! :D Haha (:
We had many many breaks during the workshop ;x First time eh!
The break was like 10 mins 15 mins each time! So cool?! HAHA!
I got a nickname called UNDERWEAR ( UNDERWHERE) !
It all happen when the teacher call us to save our file. And i was like asking, Where ?! Under where? Then the teacher must have misheard and thought i was talking bout underwear. Haha.
Then everytime he talk to me he'll just say , " Eh, underwear! " He's quite cute ;x Haha !
We did many many things ;x
We did wave, fluid, snowman and the last one i forget alr ;x
All is so cool lah! then lunch break was at 12. Went for CO after a while. Came back at ard 2. con't e animation course.
CO LTC was quite a success, as they say (: But i was really nervous lohh! Haha ;x '
The course ended at 5. Went with Bi to take bus to Geraldine's house (:
All of them were there (: Did many things at her hse (:
Played audi , sleep, eat ;x Haha ;x
Thanks Bi for lending me yr back and shoulder ! :D Also, feeding me (: Love ya !
Went to MTDC after that (: Many teachers were not here , so yeah , went to combine (: Quite fun, cuz me and Marilyn went high ;x Haha! During e break, Went out and lie down on e parade square. Star gazing (: Went back till 9.30 (: daddy come fetch me after that (:
went to bathe. Slept at ard 10.30 ? School e next day (:
Friday !
Last day if school, FINALLY. Sad , happy.
Sad because i'll miss my friends. Happy because i can sleep ;x
Took back report book , glance through. Not surpirised , not sad, no nothing.
Cuz i've alr know my results (:
Went to eat after school (: Went to CS for lunch (:
Early lunch i can say . Haha (:
After that went to TM to look for Geraldine and friends (: ( Long john sliver )
After that they left. Sat there to talk awhile after i left ;x
Proceed to T1 disney, to find them after that (:
Went to Times. The aircon there was so cold , i swear.
So nice to sleep ;x I fell asleep on bi's lap ;x He fell asleep too ;x he went nodding and finally bang and knock my head ;x I woke up after that ;c
Stayed there for a long time. Slept many times too ;x
Then ard 2 plus 3 ? Went home. Janice came to my hse (:
After awhile, she left for Volley ball (: Fell asleep as i was toooooo tired D:
feeling exhausted after exams , weird isnt it ? Haha ;x
Saturday !
Yeah , it is tdy. Woke up at 7.30. Went to eat breakfast with daddy and mummy (:
Drive me to school after that (:
I reached there quite early. I was like e first few to reach ? First time leh !
After a while , more people came in ;x Combine then started :D
First it was fu. Second half , it was Zhang. So scary lohh ):
Then 1 came. Finally its lunch break ! Went to CS again :D
Bi help my buy my food ;x So good hor ;x
Haha . Then went back to CO. Went in late and Malcom asked me " why so late " ):
Combine ~ Then it was break (: Really super duper wuper tired le ): Fell asleep on Bi's shoulder ;x He said i snore ;x BUT I KNOW I DIDNT ;x heh ;x
He woke me up. I was like so lazy to go back to CO room ):
My eyes alr half closed le ): For the rest of the session , i was like dozing off alr.
Totally no more energy liao ;x
Finally end. daddy came to fetch me. Went to Tampines sports hall. Bought badminton rackets and changed grips for existing rackets (: Going badminton tmr (:
So damn long nvr play alr ! Haha ! Sure here pain there pain de ;x
Went to G7 to eat. Raining so heavily ):
I was afraid it'll flood as i got stuck there once. But in the car ;x so ate there (:
Went home after that (:

Tmr's event :
Go play badminton in e morning.
Go to jurong point to buy brother's stuff.
Go to Funan to buy my ipod :D
Then go to eat.
Proceed home (:

Its getting late alr ! I mean for me ;x cuz i'm tired alr ;x Heh :D
Shall post tmr or some other days (:'
See , its long right ? I did keep my promise ! :D
Goodnight and byebye ! :D

I'm sorry )':

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Workshopsss ,

HELLO! School was boring this few days ~
Had so many workshops but none was fun, i can say.
All was so damn boring especially the maths and music thingy !
Like wth la. After exams le still need learn bout probability and how to use it to create music ?! Yucks :/
Monday ~
Yeah e workshop. The coach so suck lohh.
But not her fault bah.
Should be our class de boys ~
Haiiz. During e workshop, we need to do some worksheets.
It was like exactly e slides.
Do for wad sia!
Waste paper, waste time. and the course was like 4 hrs?!
Wth! Sucky , thats all i can say :/
Finally it was 2.
Hahah! Have CO at first, but cancelled due to O lvls (:
Wan Sui! So went Kfc with them (: Then headed home (:
Tdy , rather fun. But tiring ):
Supposed to be promotion day , and we dont need to attend school but had CO due to e LTC. Haha. Went to school at ard 7.40. Many ppl reach alr (:
Haha. Then rehearse till 10. We need not play perhaps at first but now we are needed ):
Now we are learning matsuri (:
Trying to catch hold of it ;x
But its like hard lohh..the speed erm, so fast ;x
Heh ;x Then full dress with IFC (:
Rehearse so many times, then the log team must carry the chairs, arrange them for so many times ):
Haiiz xin ku ni le bi ):

Bi, dont give up wor! Only like left 1 more day? It might be difficult for you to handle, but just try ? Dont cry wor! No matter you duo xin ku (: I'll give you moral support! Cuz wo mei you li, cannot help you ): Jiayou! Drink more water hor! If not suffer from dehydration jiu jia lat le ;x Also, rest more (: If not very tired de wor ): Sometimes i really wish i can help you..but i cant ): Sorry ): NVM LA! Just jiayou! Give you energy kiss ;x MUACKS! :D Heh;x Iloveyou ;x

Friday, October 23, 2009

Disappointment .

Damn disappointed with my results ): study so hard ):
I guess i just have to work harder. Gambate (:

Sorry for wad has happened.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Peace .

I guess i just need peace.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blogging madness .

I realised something! I blog every single day! Well isnt that a good thing? BUT! Not just once. Sometimes twice or thrice. Haha! Well this is the third time i'm blogging tdy i guess ;x Rather cool isnt it? Morning, i woke up and felt really pissed. The house upstairs is making like so damn much noise. I should be able to sleep till 10...but i woke up at 8 plus. Nth to do, so i went to take out e earring as school is resuming tmr. When i took out, i couldnt put back my ear stick. The hole was like..practically close. Haha. So i tried and tried. No matter how hard, it still wouldnt go in. I gave up in the end. Went to on my computer. Wanted to play some games to relieve myself. But audi...hs patch. AHHH. Getting on my nerves. Haha! So waited till afternoon. Rh finally came! She help me to put in my ear stick. We spent like si damn long to put in. My earhole was slanted. Haha. that explains why. Haha then she went home. Waited for parents, went out to eat dinner then back home (:

I'm sorry uh ;x Shouldnt have been so fiery towards you ): But anyway, thanks for making my day (:

Opened .


Credits : Ms Goh Ru Hui ;x

Closed .


Monday, October 19, 2009

Summarised .

And yes i'm back again. With surprises, nothing. Just a boring day. I live life like anybody else. Haha.

  1. I woke up at i forget what time le.
  2. Used the computer from morning till afternoon.
  3. Ate my breakfast.
  4. I skip lunch, not on a diet, but there's nth for me to eat unless you wan me to eat myself?
  5. I went to bathe at ard 12. I'm not dirty, just that my eyes are stuck onto the computer.
  6. Back to my computer after bathing.
  7. Went out at ard 2.45, went to Bugis MRT station then back to Tampines MRT.
  8. Went to CS, Yellow, pierced my ear.
  9. Went back home, waited for Daddy
  10. Went to fetch Mummy, went to eat dinner then back home.
I summarised my day in 10 points. Haha. It helped in my summary. Only, it didnt include my emotions.

I'm sorry for wad i did. I promise you, but i failed. You are not in e wrong, you need not be the one to apologise. i'm really sorry.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hi all i'm back again! But i'm not posting pictures YET. :D I'm just plain LAZY. Fyi :D So yeah, dont expect much. But i'll still post them yeah. SOON :D No event tdy. So boring ): Just stay at home and rot. I dont wanna go back school. I'm afraid of getting back my results ): I dont want! ): I hope to score well then. I wanna pierce my ear again. Shall find one day and go tgt with Rh (: Thats all! Tadaa. Look forward to more post! :D

Tattooed your name across my heart :D

Saturday, October 17, 2009

3 daysssss

Hi all ! Back! Promised Bi to update, so yeah i will. Gonna write a personal recount, so, hope to score well for EOY English uh. And and also other subjects la! Promise mummy to do well to get my Nano ;x I'm wondering if i should blog tdy or blog tmr. But well, since i'm free now, then yeah i should blog tdy ;x First on Thursday, then Friday then Tdy. Enjoy!

Finally after many many days of hard work, EOY ended :D We were all so exicited bout it la ;x On this very day, the first paper was like lit. I didnt even study anything. ANYTHING. God. EOY and yet i didn't even study. But anyways, i guess there wasnt anything for us to study ;x So yeah, went to school UNPREPARED. I wasnt in the mood too take this paper as it was e last one. Not really the last, but to me, it seems like e last alr. The paper was erm, easy but difficult. Well rather complicated. Haha. This is e firstt time i heard of such rule " No using of correction tape or fluid, marks will be deducted for use of them. " I was like wth la. Where got such rule de. Wouldnt it be like untidy work then?! AND AND! Most irritating was that towards e last part only then they tell us to leave paragraph. Stupid la! Where got last minute tell de. Instruction also nvr write ;x Then was break. After break is e art paper. Well, at first i thought got alot time. When i draw halfway, i look at the clock, i cont to slowly draw. But when painting, omg la! No time to paint the backgroung sia! All use water ;x Easier then. Paint haven dry, marks also deducted. Waaa marks hard to earn, easy to say byebye uh! ): I want my marks de leh! ): So yeah no choice, chiong all e way. Haha. Then YAY! EOY FINALLY OVER. Met up outside our class, went to eat tgt (: Went to Pizza Hut with Bi and cliques (: Ate e student meal ;x Heh ;x Ordered PIZZASSSS :D Nice nice yoh! But i couldnt finish cuz i drank too much water ;x But bi help me finish! So kind of him ;x Later he become fat fat not my problem ;x Then proceed to toilet to camwhore. But i didnt cuz i accompanied Bi. He cant possibly go in right? HAHA! Played the guessing game. Ahhh he everytime win me de ): Then went home. Mummy scold me for going home late ): Say i nvr tell her but i told her alr lohh! ): eeeee. But i dont care leh ;x Went out for dinner after that. Went to bed at 12 ;x cuz its 16. HAHA! I ren lohh ;x so tired alr ;x But i promised Bi to stay awake! :D YAY!


Finally, its our 4th month! :D Through quarrels, i guess, our r/s get better yeah? I'm sorry for wad happen before that but still, i truly love you! :D Thanks for being there for me always :D I love you much much ;x
Yeah 16 of October, a day remembered. Went out with cliques tgt with Bi (: We all met at MRT station at 9.15 (: Met Bi at my hse lift at 8.45. Hoho he was late! But i ask him slowly de ;x While walking, it rained. ACID RAIN! So took out umbrella. He carried it ;x Awww so sweet ;x Heh ;x reached the MRT, Marilyn, Geraldine, Janice and Keni were alr there. So waited for the rest. Then we left and went to Pasir ris MRT. Met Rh there. Proceed to E hub. They went to play bowling. But i did not play. Dont feel like playing and partly because, i dont really know how to play ;x HAHA. So, watched them play. Felt tired after awhile so Bi lent me his shoulder! :D Even sweeter can! Love you la :D After they play 3 sets of game, we went to e arcade. Play car racing with Bi, Sh and benedict. Yay! I won Bi for all :D He get 4th i get 3rd. He get 2nd i get 1st. Woots! :D Dont feel sad bi (: Heh ;x Then want to eat lunch. Wanted KFC. But it was so crowded. Then wanted to try our luck at Down town east de. But close down liao. In the end, went to Mac. Laugh like mad there. Going crazy alr. Its still the best with e 3 of them. Much much better. Wanted to go to Whitesands but while walking, we rent bikes. So in the end we didnt went to Whitesands only some did. Haha. I alr forget how to ride the bike liao but still manage to ride :D But i banged into Janice and somehow injured my waist ): Pain!!!!! ): Thanks bi for the sayang ing :D So yeah ride the bike with my waist pain-ing ;x We went from pasir ris town park to sunplaza park then back to pasir ris town park then to pasir ris park then to pasir ris town park again to return the back. BUT! Bi did a last minute fall ): Hope he's alright ): Maybe he wanted to pain with me ;x HEH! Then walk to whitesands. My speed was lao ah ma lia0 ;x so slow ;x But very pain ): So yeah they bought drinks. And we went to the MRT station. At there...something happen ;x Mai say la, very ps ;x Sorry uh bi! ): Then went back to Tampines. Heng ah daddy come fetch me ;x Then went to ah ma hse, then went home. At ard 11 plus, i fell asleep. Sorry uh Bi once again! Happy 4th month! Hope you enjoy! ;x Zoo the next day (:


Woke up at 8.45. Ahhh tired tired ): Then went to bathe. Went to fetch my cousin (: Then proceed to Zoo (: Haha. It was so fun. The entrance fee cuz 90 dollars. F n B cost 50 plus. Haha (: Then went in ard 11. Haha walk the whole day till 5 plus? HAHA. SUNNY SUNNY! Ate many many things you know! Actually nth much for me to update ): Pictures shall speak for me. But sadly, cam no batt, cant upload e pics. Only managed to upload some. Shall upload the rest next time? Haha. Mean while enjoy e pictures below! :D

Zhu bu xiang zhu :D


Mummy equals to mu lao hu ! :D

So cute! Like me :D

So big seh!

Mouse deer i think ;x Slowly find ;x



Okk. Thats all i guess? Well rather long i can say. Shall update more next time la (: Very tired now liao ): Wanna go sleep liao ;x Goodnights and byebye! Hope you have fun here :D

Iloveyou :D

Friday, October 16, 2009

4th Month

Hey . Happy 4th month :D
Though we have been quarrelling alot , we still love each other ,
Hope our love nvr fades :D
Nothing's gonna seperate us :D
Promises ,

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just so high .

Hello! Yeah finally back! EOYs are finally over. I wanna good results, i swear ): Just updating for fun. Update in details when i'm in the mood ;x Byes!

16th, its coming nearer :D Iloveyou :D