Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hello :D backed.
Went school tdy. Was kind of tired cuz it has been like a week since i wake up early ._.
Was raining , and yeah walked in rain. Got back results.
Was disappointed with my languages.
Chinese B4, disgrace. Haiz.
English, at least i pass. But i think my CAs will all pull me down ):
And i think i'll fail in e end. Haiz wad to do ? ):
Most sastifying ones were POA and AS.
POA at least i get an A1. Maintain throughout . Keep up (:
AS, though i wanted to drop, but somehow, by getting a A2 for THEORY kind of motivated me.
But i wonder how i'm going start off with practical. Haiz.
I hope those subjects that i'll be taking back tmr would have better results.
Hope my efforts wasnt in vain (:
Was a little crazy after school tdy. HAHA. Maybe getting back results got me crazy.

Cheer up bi ! You can de (:
Lets work hard together okay (:
I'm sure i'll motivate you to study ! :D
/There's always another time.
So going do well for this year and next year (:
Gambate ! :D

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