Saturday, June 26, 2010

CO June Camp 2010 ! x3

Hiexzxz ! I'm back with a heavy heart . With many things that i want to say .
But some , are only to him .
I'll be writing about the camp . So if yr dont wanna know , then byebye ! :D
I'll try to make it short alright !

Day 1 :
Was supposed to meet at 8 in the CO room .
But sub-comm had to meet at 7.30 .
Well , tired .
Brief us and gave us our things .
Went out and had cramp .
CO room was cold so i went out to e parade ground .
Was cold there too , so YS lend me her hoodie . (:
Fuck , i missed out like one whole part of games ! ):
And also some of e water game .
Partly was happy because i did not have to change .
Because i was not wet at all .
But , when i went to sit down , they suddenly ran out of games .
Then dont know do wad , Benedict poured e whole bucket of water on me .
Thanks manxzxz . Was wet like " mad dog " .
Just joined in the game for less then 15 mins and was like x10 times wetter then many others !
Went back to change . Was damn cold then .
Went down again . If i'm not wrong , we had history about CO .
KB was saying too quickly . So time past by very slowly .
Had much time left .
After that we played inter group games .
First is the " leg step on each other " de .
Well , was pain and tough .
Use quite a long time to complete it .
But we managed to win the other group .
Then we can play the second one which is to throw the ball 10 times to yr teammates .
We won the other group too .
So we can play " Protect me " .
This game seriously . Epic .
People were sexually rape .
Thats all i can say . HAHA .
I'm glad none of their shirts tore . But im sure it went out of shape .
Then after that was lunch .
After lunch i think we played some games or wad .
I cant really rmb .
But after that was Grad night prep .
Lasted for 2 hrs . Time is NOT enough man .
Our group need to do dance . By selecting song alone used up more then 30 mins .
Dance steps are a headache . Wanted Rh dance steps .
But after much much consideration , we decided not to use hers .
So we use part of Down , baby and " oh yeah " . We changed the lyrics for oh yeah .
After this , time was out . Didnt manage to do quite alot .
So we got no choice but to do the remaining the next day .
After that we had dinner .
After dinner was the night games .
I was the station master for the level 4 classroom .
Wth , scary . Was damn dark . Luckily got Simin and some ppl to pei me .
If not i think i'll die there . HAHA .
Groups came afterwards .
Was like so rush luh .
The groups all come very quickly .
So was like queueing outside .
After that was bathing time .
Group 1-4 get to bathe first . 5-8 had supper .
So yeah . Went pretty smoothly this time round .
Went to have supper after that .
Ate one pathetic biscuit . HAHA .
Light out at 11 .
Subcomm debrief at 10.55 .
So went for it . Did not went back to sleep .
Waited for camcomm to end their meeting in their bunk .
But Wei Ling and Kai Ting was there doing souvenir for the sec 4s so i help out .
The first one i paste was Junguang's haha .
Then they came back .
Accompany them to bathe .
Then we went back to the bunk .
Help with e subcomm thing .
Did not finish it but Mr Lee call us to go sleep at 2.45 .
I cant sleep , so in the end only managed to fell asleep at ard 4.30 i think .
At 6 , the alarm ring . Ahhhh , was damn tired .
Prepared and went to assembly at 7.15 .

Day 2 :
Had PT . WL i want to killed ppl alr luh seriously .
So damn grr .
Run up to third storey then come down again .
Whose stupid idea uh !
Came down , wl i blacked out for like a few seconds .
Gonna faint le :/
But i didnt hahaha .
Having cramp at then too .
Had breakfast after wards .
Had grad night prep rght after breakfast .
So we make full use of the time given now .
And yes , we completed the dance .
But we were still not confidence luh . Haha .
Am really scared for the real one okay !
Then lunch . Had survivor after lunch .
Went to my station .
Spent like most of my time there .
Nth to do and they took very very long time to go to the station .
Went back to school at ard 5.40 .
Saw most of the sec 4s there alr .
Had dinner . Omg the food sucks .
How i wish we were having the sec 4s food .
Grr . If only can luh hor . ):
Ate less then half of my food .
Then it was grad night .
Scary . Soon its our turn .
Infront was okay just that suddenly forget the steps . LOL .
Until the rapping part , the music suddenly stop .
We were all stunned then dont know wad to do .
Then UV just continue with his rapping .
Did oh yeah and ended it as quickly as we can .
Watch other's performances and theirs was quite good .
Before that a video was shown .
Omg so many of their young young sec 1 sec 2 photo haha !
Very funny lohh ! And i didnt know jg was so skinny last time :/
After performances was cutting of cake .
Then Ting Yu talk awhile . Thn Malcolm .
Then Mr Wong gace out his DIY things .
Was our turn to bathe again .
Then went out for supper .
Didnt eat . Then was ask to go to sleep .
But Sh and i stay in the canteen .
After awhile went to bunk .
Heard alot of frog croaking . Freaked out man seriously .
Then Yiyan and Kok Peng scare us . Say got people standing there .
Omg my hair's standing alr .
Then went to CO room . They were playing cards . Like suan yr love like that . LOL .
Then Sh go play . Then got another guy in between .
Then she say is cy LOL !
Then i play . WALAUEH jg's heart dont know at where sia !!!!! FUNNY LUHHHHH .
Then was chase back to bunk .
Went to take things to camcomm room with sh .
Went to bathe with them again .
Then went back up .
We wanted to stay up .
But i cant i think . LOL .
Cy was the first to fell asleep LOL .
And i fell asleep too ! ): No fun .

Day 3 :
At 6 got ppl come on the lights . Aww ):
Then eyes very pain .
Went back to sleep till 7 .
Went down and my eyes were like closing . HAHA .
Had games . And was quite okay .
Had fight for breakfast after wards .
We were the last at first .
But all of the sudden because of the sudoku , we became first .
Then we emerged first together with grp 2 (:
Had bee hoon . So we shared with those that did not have any breakfast (:
Then was packing of bags .
Followed by area cleaning (:
Bird shit omg . Yucks :/
Then went to assembly again (:
Had intergroup games .
Captain's ball was okay .
Then break camp ! YAY .
Went to canteen to wait for the rest .
But i went home shortly .
Went home to sleep (:
Bi's sleeping too ! He slept from 3 ! Till now :/ Doubt he'll wake . HAHA .
Okay thats all for the camp ! Hope you all have fun !
I love my group ! :D
Sin sin cos sin 3.14159 ! :D

I dont know wad happen between us .
But for some reason , i feel that we are getting further apart .
Apparently , i dont know if its because you're tired , im tired .
You change or i change . I really want to know .
So i wont keep thinking about this .
Seriously , its hard not to think about it .
Everytime whenever i've got nothing to do , i'll think about you .
Good times and bad times too .
Sometimes i'll even cry at night .
But i dont understand why im doing all this .
I asking myself . Wad if one day i lose you .
Wad will happen to me . Wad will happen to you .
I seriously dont want to know .
Just hope that we can really settle this .
If not sure wads gonna happen next .
Im in a very confuse and stressful state after knowing wad someone told me ..
Just pray hard . Nth will happen .
Love .

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