Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Long post (:

Decided to update my blog since i have nth to do (:
Part of me will say : it will be a long post , whereas part of me say its gonna be short (:
Well , me myself isnt sure either (:
So lets just wait and see (:
Shall start from Wednesday , 25 Nov .
Woke up rather early , and went to Mandai , Ash collection centre .
Arrived tgt with many other cars , which belong to my aunts and uncles la .
Drove round e carpark to find e entrance to e centre .
Found it , but overshot . Therefore , Had to make a big round . HAHA .
Got off e car . Went to the room .
They called one by one to put e bone / ash into a porcelain container .
My turn , so i went forward to take one .
Well , some of e ash has colour on it .
Shoanna says that it is because that person has done good deeds ?
Well i think so (: And thats good too (:
We filled e container up .
Proceed to e temple .
We bought a place there for ahgong .
So his ash can be put there (:
Pray and hope that ahgong will be happy in another part of e world (:
I miss you grandpa , love ya always (:
Next proceed on to thursday , 26 nov .
Wed , was supposed to be the 7th night and ahgong will be coming back , as believed .
I cant stay over as CO is on e next day .
But heard from some of them , ahgong did really come back (:
Well , its a good thing (:
Went for CO at ard 8.30 because CO was at 9 (:
Had combine in e hall till ard 1.30 .
Went for lunch after that .
Sectional starts at ard 2.30 after that (:
End at 6 , then went for dinner at s11 .
Went back to school for MTDC till 9 (:
Daddy came to fetch me after that (:
Bathe and went to sleep (:
A fun day tdy , which was friday , 27 Nov .
In the morning , went to Yan palace to eat dimsum with Jaslyn's family and 5th aunt .
The dimsum was nice (:
Well , the total bill cost 196 ++ if i nvr rmb wrongly .
Expected price yeah .
Cuz everyone of us was very full (:
Went to jaslyn's house after that (:
Stayed there for quite awhile . Then it started pouring .
Went to Amos house at Yishun .
Rained quite heavily .
At ard dinner time , went to Jumbo to have dinner (:
The food there is damn nice esp e prawns and crab ;x
Black pepper and chilli . Cereal prawns . OMG heaven .
The food was nice , the price was very nice too (:
It cost ard 288 ++ .
Went home to bathe after that .
And another day , Sat 28 Nov .
Had MTDC , so went in the morning (:
Halfway , e kaoji wanted to practice , so Zhangbin allow them to be excused from e combine .
Therefore i was left alone with ppl from other school .
I was like so scared that Zhangbin will scold la .
But he didnt haha .
After that was school's combine .
Left me alone again tggt with e sec 3s .
Luckily ding didnt ask if i'm sec 2 or 3 .
If not i think i'll be dead . HAHA .
Combine ended at ard 4 (:
Slacked in school till 5 . And daddy came to fetch me .
Went to TM to search for my white tee .
Found one but its rather big . Although quite fitting .
Was deciding whether should buy or borrow from my cousin .
In the end , decided to borrow .
Waaa the shirt was like small .
But i managed to wear .
Went to eat after that .
Performance day , sun 29 Nov .
Went to TECC in e morning for our so called last practice for e performance .
And also for CO .
Practice till ard 1 plus .
Was given luch break till idk wad time .
We had plenty of time actually .
Went to e coffee shop to eat .
Ate fishball noodles (:
Then James bought bubble tea for Marilyn and me (:
Thanks (:
Went back after that .
Listen to them rehearse , then we are needed to zou tai again (:
After that went to change , makeup .
The shirt was like damn small .
And my makeup was like omg , GHOST .
Seriously , my face is screwed . HAHA .
The performance was rather successful (:
Went to change and xie zhuang (:
daddy came and fetch me .
Went to Tanjong Rhu to eat dinner (:
It was mummy's birthday (:
Happy birthday mummy (:
I will love you forever and always ! (:
Went home after dinner .
Bathe and went to sleep .
Camp started on e 30 Nov to 2 Nov , Mon to Wed .
Went to school in e morning as usual as if going for CO practices .
Was e first few to arrive again .
Look at e schedule for tdy ( 30 Nov ) .
Sectional , tea break , sectional , games , lunch , combine , tea break , combine , home .
At first i though their food will be like damn yucky because MOE is like kinda , selfish ?
But it came out that they were quite generous though .
Polar puffs and cakes for tea break .
Buffet for lunch .
Arent they good ?
Their food taste good too okay ! (:
Went home .
Came back e next day .
Schedule was ,
sectional , teabreak , sectional , lunch , games , combine , home .
The food is also Buffet and Polar puffs and cakes (:
E last day of camp , was e assessment .
Each of us was supposed to play a solo piece to e instructors and they are supposed to grade us .
But our teacher was too good and he gave us marks base on our practices .
He ask us to play and he will grade us according to how we play .
Therefore it was much easier .
AT least its better then playing alone yeah ?
Went home .
These few days of camp , i'm sure to grow fat .
Because of the food they give us .
But on e other hand i might not .
Because i've been walking home everyday .
As daddy is not in singapore ):
obody to fetch me home .
Have to walk home myself ):
But luckily got bi ! :D
Quarrelled quite alot with bi these few days too ):
Combined pieces , guang ming xin , jin chu xiong feng , wu cai bing fen , lao shu qu qing (:

It pains me to behave this way .
It hurts you to see me behave like this .
But all these are beyond my control .
But nevertheless , i'll try to change (:
I'll listen to you .
I'm a good girl girl (:
Sorry for wad has happen .
And i'll swear and try to make this not happen again .
But still i dare not promise ?
give me time yeah ? (:
Love ya always (:

Yes ! Finally fiinish blogging !
Long or short ? ;x

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