Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wild Wild Wet (:

Woke up at ard 7.45 (:
Get ready and waited for Bi .
He reached at ard 8.10 .
Waled to Tampines MRT station .
First to reach though .
James and Marilyn came after that .
Wow . They two so pei la ;x
But i cannot be matchmaker . Aww so sad la ): Heh ;x
Geraldine came at ard 8.35 (:
Jr was e last to reach .
He reach at ard 9 .
Should ask him to treat us uh !
Make us wait for so long :-P
Went to Downtown East after that (:
Ate at e Mac .
I didnt eat . Was hungry but too tired to eat ):
James went to buy vitasoy .
He on diet la ! Anorexia !
At ard 10 Benedict and Shi Hui came .
We went to buy e tickets then went in (:
Rented e lockers , put our stuffs then boom went in (:
Play play play ! Wei Jie joined us after that (:
Sat on e float all e way for tsunami (:
Was too lazy to get off or should i say too short ?
Ya la i too short ;x
Cannot swim . If get out of float sure drown ;x
Played Ular-lah for quite alot of times .
E last time we played was 6 person in one (:
Marilyn flew off ! HAHAHA !
Then water came onto her face .
OMG laughs ;x HAHA !
Then skyrider , was scary lohh !
When turning the was like going to drop . HAHA !
James , jr and wei Jie did not play (:
Maybe because odd number bah (:
Did not play e u shape thingy .
Omg la they all play and i was like .
Damn and dang . So scary want as me sit . NO WAY !!! :D
So in e end i didnt sit .
Went for lunch at KFC at ard 3 .
James went to bathe as he did not want to play anymore (:
So he help us to look after our bags (:
Thanks uh ! (:
Put sun block after lunch .
Need to wait for 20 mins before exposure to sunlight .
Me damn kiasu cuz alr terminal stage alr .
So e rest went to skyrider again .
Only me , Bi and james did not go (:
Slept awhile ;x
Then went back to play after lunch (:
Was like in a blur state alr lohh at then ;x
Play almost all e games once again .
Played e children's slide before going off .
Therefore , had e yakult for 3 continuous times (:
Was like pain but shiok ? HAHA .
Played till ard 6 plus , went to bathe .
Omg was so red and black .
Applied Marilyn's dont know wad .
Bi help me to apply :D
So sweet ;x
Then went to eat dinner at Pastamania (:
Took 21 home tgt with Bi , Geraldine , Marilyn .
Fell asleep on bus .
HOHO . Expected ;x
Sunburn , muscle ache and BLACK !!!!
Omg i wan become white again !
I want sunburns to go away !
Hahaha .
Okay la .
Till then :D
Toodles !

I dont want you to go ):
I'll miss you like so many many days !!! )':

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